Tracy Secombe
From People Pleaser to Soul Pleaser
Six Steps to Being Who You Are Meant to Be
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What if you could create a life that you love?
Better yet, what if you could learn to do this by tuning into your soul for guidance, instead of looking outside of yourself for approval? Your life is not your own if you always care what others think.
When you truly know to your core that you are here to be your highest version of you and that you are the one who gets to define what that is, the pressure is off. Life is completely up to you. It’s your game. You get to choose. You are free.
Inside From People Pleaser to Soul Pleaser – 6 Steps to Being Who You are Meant to Be, you’ll discover:
- How to help others without sacrificing your own wellbeing
- Your natural ability to share what’s true for you without offending others
- What you really love and want to do with your life and the confidence to pursue it
- How to finally love yourself no matter what and set that example for your children
- And much, much more!
Tracy Secombe has coached hundreds of people pleasers to become Soul Pleasers® after experiencing chronic burnout from chasing recognition her entire life. By following her six simply explained steps, you will remember your true essence of joy and be who you want to be so you can relish in wonderful relationships, health, abundance, and fulfillment.
Early Praise for "From People Pleaser to Soul Pleaser"
"Having been a huge fan and avid follower of Tracy’s work since 2018, when I heard she was writing a book, it went straight to the top of my must-read list!
Chock-full of insightful information, thought-provoking tasks and relatable examples, Tracy’s debut book did not disappoint!
What I particularly love about Tracy is her ability to explain these concepts in a way that is easy to absorb. Reading her words feels like a gentle conversation with a cherished friend who lovingly guides you along a path she knows well.
Make no mistake, as tempting as it may be, this is not a book to read in one sitting. Take your time to read through and digest each of the steps, completing the tasks in the order they are presented. That is where the magic lies. You will not be ready for Step 6 until you have truly assimilated each of the 5 before it. This process of ascension cannot be rushed.
Invest the time to transition ‘From People Pleaser to Soul Pleaser’; earnestly implement Tracy’s teachings… and watch your life transform."
Adele Hayes
"Drowning in the busyness of work commitments, household duties, family engagements and often the self-inflicted volunteering duties, women worldwide have forgotten how to look after themselves and left behind the unique and beautiful human they only remember from their childhood days.
I am one of these selfless women, always putting herself last, still feeling guilty when wishing for a well-deserved break and some self-care. Tracy Secombe has a gift, and she is blessing the world with it. Her online courses, webinars, help groups, and women retreats stem from her own experience of being a people pleaser. She has helped thousands find their true self again. Tracy has an incredible vibration that she willingly shares with everyone around her and has now compiled her knowledge for us to enjoy at home.
In her new book ‘From People Pleaser to Soul Pleaser,’ she explains with easy-to-understand and straightforward examples how people everywhere, women and men alike, lose their way and forget to listen to their inner voices.
A thought-provoking and mind-shifting read, full of aha-moments, helping the reader shift their mindset and answer for themselves how they created an attitude of valuing the opinion of others more than their own. Most importantly, Tracy’s guidance and the ongoing questions she puts out there will help readers find the way back to the person they are meant to be.
A book not to be missed and sure to get many dog ears when being read repeatedly whilst taking notes in diaries or highlighting the most applicable parts. Are you often run down and struggle to make time for yourself, or even have forgotten how to say no? Then this is the book for you.
A fantastic tool to re-read over time as well, because as Tracy says ‘As you will be reminded, once you align your life’s choices with your true purpose instead of survival, you will be who you are here to be and experience the life you have always dreamed of.’"
Sabrina Davis
"Following the six steps outlined in this book has had and will continue to have the most profound effect on me and my life.
Prior to completing these steps, I thought it sounded selfish to become a “soul pleaser” rather than a “people pleaser”. My understanding now is that becoming a soul pleaser and learning to love ourselves is the best gift we can give to our family, friends and the universe!
There is a saying that you can’t pour from an empty cup, but it’s not until I experienced being “filled up” with love that I have been able to truly understand this.
What this process has done for me is provide a gateway to love, to joy, and to freedom. It has allowed meto create the life I choose, without needing permission or approval from others. Learning that this is my choice is setting me free to be and do what I want, and that freedom feels amazing!
There are so many insights in this book that I am constantly revisiting and reflecting on. I think the essence of the book can be summed up in the following passage:
“Love is all there is. In any moment in your life, you are either choosing love, or you are not choosing love. There is love or lack of love. If you are choosing love you are listening to your soul. If you’re not, you can’t hear your soul in that moment.”
Tracy talks about us being a “block of wood with a beautiful sculpture hidden underneath waiting to be revealed”. I am loving the ongoing process outlined in this bookthat has me chipping away with excitement as I learn to “be” and to move closer towards discovering who I really am!
Thank you, Tracy, this process is a true gift to the world."
Cheryl Freak
"Once I started reading Tracy’s book I couldn’t put it down. It was like having Tracy in the room speaking to me. I loved every page. Tracy has a unique talent of always knowing what to say and now having this book at my fingertips is a God send.
Thank you, Tracy for putting your wisdom into print.
From a loving people pleaser to a work in process Soul Pleaser.
Forever grateful for having met."
Jo Schaefer
"Take your time with this book. Reflect, breathe and do the work that Tracy so generously and skillfully walks you through.
Before this book, I did Tracy’s Soul Pleaser course over 12 months. It fundamentally changed the choices I made and the courage I felt. I developed the self love and confidence to accept myself as I am; to honour my ambitions and interests after nearly 50 years of putting others first. My Self emerged and she remains a beautiful work in progress.
This book puts Tracy’s course in your hands. It’s my new compass to keep striving to honour my Soul and life calling. "
Fiona Murphy
"I was so fortunate to be introduced to Tracy’s Soul Pleaser program a year ago.
This book is an amazing resource to how to live your best life possible.
Once I realised that a lot of my behaviour was people pleasing and how I was limiting myself from having a life full of love, peace, joy. It was just a matter of following the 6 steps, being truly honest with myself and now a year later I am so full of love and joy. My life hasn’t physically changed but my interpretation has and now its so amazing, full of love and abundance.
My gratitude is immense that I was led to Tracy and her amazing book. The book is easy to read with many examples of real life to show how you can change and I highly recommend it."
Rachel Kirsop
"Reading through this book “From People Pleaser to Soul Pleaser” allowed me to look at areas in my life I’m struggling with and give me reassurance that it’s ok that I’m where I am. But then such hope that there is a practical solution if I just listen to my soul and be guided by love.
The step by step guide is an easy to follow guidance. It’s so beautifully written that it feels like the author is holding my hand and helping me through each step.
I’m thrilled that now millions of people will be helped and find their way back to soul pleasers through reading this book.
I would thoroughly recommend this book to anyone and everyone."
Lisa Zibell
"I value this book so much. There is so much wisdom wrapped in every page as Tracy opened me up to the impact my people pleasing has on me (and how this affects my family and friends) then really practical tools to become a soul pleaser (the opposite of a people pleaser)
The author Tracy, intertwines the book with her journey from people pleaser to being a soul pleaser, but also uses many examples of clients she has worked with, which I found very relatable.
One of my favourite passages from the book is: -
“The trouble with it is that as people-pleasers, we are often living our life from the outside-in. Our emotions and feelings of self-worth are dependent on the messages we receive from the world around us and from other people.”
I have been really guilty of this.
This book in many ways has helped me understand just how much of a people pleaser I really am. My mother is a people pleaser, so it’s clear now that I have also modelled this. What I didn’t realise (until now) is the negative impact that this people pleasing has had on my life.
This book really challenged me and got me to have an honest look at myself.
Tracy speaks how “People pleasing others with an idea if I give something to you, then I expect something back”
I realise that I have done this/do this. And because I do this, then leads to a feeling of remorse. This is HUGE for me, and I now understand the power of giving without expecting anything. Such a big difference.
I feel really motivated to implement the tools that Tracy has suggested through this book to help me become more of a soul pleaser.
Her first tool, of starting with awareness was an eye opener, because it has helped me see just how many times I people please (even when I wasn’t aware that I was a people pleaser).
I now get what a soul pleaser is…and if I can listen to my soul, and ignore everything else, I can live a wonderful life with rich experiences and relationships.
I also learnt that if I can drop the people pleaser, and embrace the soul pleaser then I can drop the self-judgment and allow others to be how they are.
Thank you, Tracy for writing such a powerful and useful book."
Andrew Roberts
"From People Pleaser to Soul Pleaser' is all about coming home to the truth of who we are. It is a text that will show you the way. The way to self love, the value of surrendering and the art of letting go. It shows us how we are all one with the universe and that goodness is all around us.
The author brings awareness that life can be as loving and fulfilling, as we want it to be, nothing needs to change on the outside for us to have a better life. It is all the work on the inside that will give us our inner alignment and peace.
Tracy has a way with words and this book guides us through the People Pleaser to Soul Pleaser journey in a very easy to understand way. The step-by-step process and journal prompts, hold space for time of reflection and rewriting parts of our own life script if we choose.
There are no big words and there is nothing in this book that is out of reach for anyone as long as you are wanting and ready to align with the truth of who you are.
What a wonderful book that deeply embodies the ultimate truth of the author Tracy Secombe."
Lucy Peel
"I absolutely loved this book! It is relatable, real, empowering and pleasing for the soul. Tracy has such a beautiful way with words that allows everything to flow so smoothly and be understandable from wherever you are on your journey. The gold is in the simplicity!
As I read through this book I felt incredibly calm and grounded knowing that I had a little part of Tracy guiding me to exactly what I needed to hear (or read) and I felt comfort knowing that I am on the right path to pleasing my soul.
No matter how many times you read these words, there is always a new level of awareness that is gained and an insight that feels like it’s been waiting for you to arrive. I feel this book will become a well read resource and one that I am excited to share with others!
Thank you Tracy for putting into words the language you speak so eloquently and from the soul! The work you do is incredible and there are so many people who are forever grateful to have you in their lives."
Hayley Grosser
"This book contains all of the essence of life within its pages. In these words you will discover the secret to your life here on earth as a physical being. As you move through the steps outlined, you will understand why you are here, you will shed the layers of conditioning that no longer serve you.
Tracy gently guides you through the process of beginning to awaken to your true purpose, and helps you to understand why it’s truly alright to embrace who you are. No longer do you have to hide behind walls you have built to protect yourself from the harm of the outside world. You will discover the secrets to understanding how you feel, why you feel like that and how to move through your life with ease and full awareness of what’s happening.
Thank you Tracy for helping me to remove the dark cloud from around my head and hold my hand on my journey to enlightenment. Thank you for helping me to find the courage inside of me to live my truth by stopping lying to myself about my choices and People Pleasing instead of pleasing my Self and following the signs to Be-ing me.
Tracy is doing God’s work, helping people to wake up! If you have picked up this book, you are also hearing the call to wake up too."
Rachel Ayars
"This is a must read for anyone feeling lost, disconnected, or searching for answers. It is a wonderful experience to read a book that you continually say out loud, ‘Yes, yes, yes, this person gets me!’
Tracy gently guides you through the complex world of self-discovery, by simply explaining emotions, motivation, pain, awareness, and energy. With a touch of philosophy, humour and practical exercises with real life examples, Tracy encourages the exploration of ‘you’.
There are some hard truths for you to hear and investigate however with Tracy’s clear, simple steps plus the encouragement and love that emanates from this book, you can ‘take your power back’, learn to appreciate and love you.
Immerse yourself into this fabulous world of discovery; learn, listen, do, love, and shine your light - you truly are magnificent."
Kerrie Smith
"I have absolutely loved reading your book Tracy! Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and relatable stories which have helped me to truly understand the people pleaser to soul pleaser journey.
Throughout this book I have had so many aha moments, and I know this will be a fabulous resource to have on hand whenever I need some guidance. I particularly loved the simple yet invaluable tasks, which have now become a part of my daily routine. They have truly been life changing!
After years of being very much a people pleaser, I’m now on the Soul Pleaser journey and loving it. Thank you, Tracy."
Stephanie Vaughan
"If you have ever wondered what life is about and what you are meant to do with your life, then this book is for you. It is a fantastic summary of Tracy’s online program, which I have done, and was a great reminder of the things I have learnt and continue to learn through her program.
This book may change your life just by reading it but it WILL change your life if you read it AND DO THE WORK as Tracy so easily steps out for you.
I have witnessed many, many women, who have followed Tracy’s steps, change from people pleasing to being who they really are and they are now so happy they are glowing.
I am forever grateful that my life crossed paths with Tracy. Tracy is a life saver and life changer."
Carla Armytage
"This book deserves to be read and you deserve this book!
The most thought provoking ‘deep dive’ in to one’s soul and one’s soul purpose.
The word ‘Why’ has never been so powerful!
Why do we ‘act’ the way we do?
Why do certain people come into our lives?
Why, sometimes, don’t we recognise that something incredible is within reach?
Why not look at something from a different angle and learn to love it?
It’s time to drop what you think you know about yourself and pick up this book!"
Fraser Macdonald
"From People Pleaser to Soul Pleaser is a life changing book.
I was your typical people pleaser, overthinking, taking things to heart, trying to impress people by what I was able to fit in a day, putting everyone else before myself, often crippled by fear and anxiety and unable to make decisions or be truly myself and speak my truth.
The six steps guide you through your thought patterns and explain in such simple ways why, as a people pleaser, you actually feel and behave in a certain way.
It's certainly not easy to change habits you have held for most of your life, but with Tracy's guidance I found, with time, this was easier than I expected.
I gained a much deeper understanding of myself, my thinking and behaviour than I ever thought possible, and importantly I'm much kinder to myself.
I am now building a life I never thought possible, following my dreams and having the courage to do things I felt crippled to do before.
My relationships with my husband and the people I love, but also people I don't know well, have become richer and more connected because, most of the time, I'm not afraid to speak my truth and I'm also a better listener.
If you want to stop people pleasing, follow your soul and be the person you were born to be then this is the book for you."
Marika Gazzard
"Get ready to be taken on a beautiful journey that will both awaken you to the many layers of people pleasing and enable you to feel empowered to make that shift to a more authentic version of yourself.
I found it really eye opening and heart expanding at the same time to rediscover neglected parts of myself and the real reasons why we people please and how this affects our state of being. If you have felt stuck in a cycle of people pleasing or perhaps just feel unfulfilled at the end of the day, this is the book for you.
The authors style of authenticity, transparency, humour and honesty about what people pleasing really is, where is comes from, when it starts and how to make peace with this creates space for so much self reflection and awareness while providing you the tools to make that shift. The way she takes you through this journey in such a beautiful way will have you chasing each next chapter like you would a clue on a treasure hunt.
This book will completely empty you out and then fill you back up from start to finish. Absolutely fabulous book and a must read for anyone that is on a journey as a people pleaser looking for the path and the tools to become a true soul pleaser."
Kathy Hall
"I loved this book so much so to review and narrow down in a few words all of the reasons why was quite the challenge! But what I do know is that this book is valuable,and it is full of grace, love and a beautiful healing energy that will touch the lives of many.
Tracy has this incredible gift of sharing wisdom with kindness which reflects throughout the pages of this book.Tracy shares her own personal heartfelt journey from people pleasing to soul pleasing,as well as some vulnerable stories from many of her clients. There is a gentle openness revealed in these stories that shows the courage and determination which is so inspiring and encouraging. The words in this book light the way for us to re-connect with our true self and to listen to our own voice.
One of the many passages in this book that stood out to me was…..
‘As a people pleaser, you are at the whim of the outside world; as a Soul Pleaser® youare writing your own story. When you remember that you are a loving creative energy being, you are empowered to create the life you choose without seeking approval from anyone else, including people from your past’.
This really made me reflect on my life and look at areas that I had been living out of habit as a people pleaser. This may have been from what I had learned growing up or as a response to what I felt was expected of me, or simply because I have been used to people pleasing all of my life.This important reminder will help me to continue to make changes I need for “Me”so that I can write my own amazing life story.
I love that this book is a life guide with prompts for me to work through - “Six Steps to Being Who You are Meant to Be” –a wonderful way to really look within and be honest with myself, meditate on and open my heart even more to forgiveness, non judgement and more grace.
I am so grateful to Tracy for following her call to write this book for us all.
“From People Pleaser to Soul Pleaser” is a powerful life tool and no matter what stage you are at in your personal growth, you will “FEEL” the messages come through with Love, Kindness and Wisdom and it will meet you were you are at and speak directly to your Soul.
Another quote I loved was at the end of her book …. It really removed any pressure that I had to make huge changes all at once ….gently and with love……
‘Be gentle with yourself and start where it is easiest. Don’t strive to love the things
you don’t like. Love what you love and notice how more and more lovable
experiences come your way.
Be who you are meant to be.’
This is a timeless book to be lived and savoured…… a book to immerse ourselves in, meditate on and delight in as we explore the depths of who WE are.
Thank you, beautiful Tracy, for this exquisitely written and very powerful book – I am looking forward to becoming even more of who I am meant to be.."
Jacinta Carr
"I absolutely loved this book. Thank you so much Tracy Secombe for writing such an insightful book that provides the perfect insight, awareness and guidance on how to move from a people pleaser to a soul pleaser. Through reading this book I finally understand some of my behaviours and where they stem from. I gained so much insight into my thought patterns, but most importantly, that I have the power within me to change all that.
I love the examples you gave throughout the book, that made understanding and following some new concepts so much easier for me.
Particularly powerful for me, which I have been able to put into practice, is that "your choices are either driven by fear or inspired by love." I have always had trouble making decisions. I now realise this was usually due to the fear story I created in my head. This awareness alone has me making decisions with far more confidence and has given me the ability to make a wise decision by understanding when my hesitance or eagerness is based on love or fear.
This book will certainly be a resource I will come back to again and again as I continue to navigate my path to being a soul pleaser!"
Carissa Schneider
"This book is incredible!!
'From People Pleaser to Soul Pleaser' could be the most important book you ever read.
The lessons that Tracy writes about in this book, are incredibly powerful for the everyday reader.
'From People Pleaser to Soul Pleaser' is a game changer in the game of confidence, joy and pure fulfilment!!"
David Westbrook
"WOW, just wow! What an amazing and insightful book.
Tracy has a way of presenting how to connect to your Soul with so much clarity. I have read many books covering soul connection before but have not had this much understanding on how it is done.
I loved the insightful examples when an explanation had the potential to be complicated. My mouth dropped open when I read the paragraphs about busy people and saw how completely I was described. It is definitely a book I will reread, next time I will have a highlighter handy.
Thank you, Tracy, a very beautifully put together book, with so much love on every page!"
Heidi McInness
"Tracy Secombe's book "From People to Soul Pleaser" is so eloquently and beautifully written with all the tools and information in it to live your best life, free of fear, anxiety and worry.
You can change your life from being a people pleaser into a soul pleaser and still feel fulfilled and have the energy to help others, probably even more or in different ways, and be able to live with joy and bliss.
After completing Tracy's Soul Pleaser Program and attending two of her retreats, this book helps cement all my previous learnings from Tracy and it is something I can keep on hand and refer back easily when I need a reminder of a specific stage of the six step process. It is a holistic approach to improving the health of our mind, body and soul.
This book and Tracy's work is totally life changing and I can't recommend it highly enough for anyone who is ready to take the next step to living the life they are meant to live."
Angela Mason
"If you feel you have lost your way, I highly recommend Tracy Secombe’s book From People Pleaser to Soul Pleaser.
This book is the ultimate guide for finding your way back to your true self, who you are meant to be, reminding you that we are all unique. Helping you realign back to your soul.
Tracy has put all the tools to help you unwind your past beliefs and conditioning. Letting go layer by layer that has controlled you from the inside. Bringing you back to peace, harmony, awareness, love and contentment."
Marion Drew
"This powerful book reveals a truth that, once uncovered, will leave you stripped bare to your soul making room for you to discover the truth of who you really are.
Since I was a little girl, I often wondered “Why am I who I am?”
After reading Tracy’s book and following the six steps, I understood how I came to be me – my soul in this body.
But even more profound has been understanding, for the first time in my life,
why I do the things I do,
why I respond the way I do,
why I act the way I do
why I feel the way I do,
why I think the way I do and even,
why I love the way I do.
This book has given me the tools to work through all the layers to my soul so that I can decipher what is truly me and what isn’t so that I can cast aside what no longer serves me.
From People Pleaser to Soul Pleaser has profoundly changed my life. It was the awakening that began my journey to being who I am meant to be."
Kim MacIsaac
"Reading this book From People Pleaser to Soul Pleaser and completing Tracy’s program was an incredibly positive life changing experience for me. I had finally found the “instruction manual to ME”, the one I had been searching for my whole life.
I couldn’t help smiling while reading this book – finally so many of my actions, reactions and behaviours started to make sense to me. It was such a relief firstly to understand why I acted or thought the way I did and secondly to have the tools from Tracy to change these thoughts and behaviours to put me on the path to living my life filled with Happiness and Joy and to truly love myself as I am. This is the best feeling ever.
Tracy sets out the 6 steps in this journey so simply and in a really easy to follow format. By working your way through the book, you start to peel back the layers we have put on ourselves through conditioning, limiting beliefs and people pleasing to allow us to finally connect back to our true self, our Soul, to find true Happiness and Joy right now.
Start your journey today."
Nano Moody
"I absolutely loved reading Tracy’s incredible book. It is beautifully written and full of so much love, wisdom, calmness, and joy.
Tracy has a wonderful ability to guide you through the simple and easy to follow steps, with many personal and relatable examples to help you fully understand each concept as you go. I could hear her beautiful calming voice with every page I read.
It is a very powerful resource that will be life changing for so many people.
I was a typical ‘people pleaser’ so was fortunate to have found Tracy’s program. Reading this book has helped me revisit all the amazing goodness and tools that Tracy is teaching me on my path from people pleaser to soul pleaser. I will be referring to this book time and time again as I continue on my personal journey.
Tracy has an amazing gift which she is so willing to share, and I am so grateful to have her in my life."Angela Swales
All Rights Reserved Tracy Secombe - Copyright 2022