Not long after Ainsley joined the Soul Pleaser program, one of the other members had to pull out of the March 2021 Retreat at the last minute because her mother was gravely ill.
Ainsley didn't hesitate and was on the plane the next day to the retreat, even though she had no idea what to expect.
During one of our discussions, she shared something that not only made me laugh my head off, but I also have never forgotten it because I could relate to it so much .....
At school, she won the award for being the biggest "Try Hard"!
We didn't have that award when I was at school, but if we did - I would have won it too :)
Ainsley felt like she HAD TO be busy and her self worth was tied to it.
She wanted to feel calm but she was always ARGUING WITH HERSELF.
She believed that working hard + being busy = SUCCESS.
Now, Ainsley ....
* has stopped focussing on the negative
* has stopped pushing to MAKE it happen and now allows it to happen
* has a deeper connection with her husband
* feels calm
* takes time to just "be"
* has stopped judging herself and others
You will love this chat with Ainsley! Her energy is infectious :)
Tracy x
P.S. If you are ready to learn more about The Soul Pleaser program, the details are HERE.