Before I do a coaching call, my clients send me a coaching form.
One of the common words on the form is "stress".
A definition of stress is "a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances".
Note that the stress is not the adverse or demanding circustance, instead it is the mental or emotional strain that has occurred as a result.
We dont have control over the circumstances that have already occurred, but we do have control over how we respond to them.
The problem is the reaction can feel instantaneous, and therefore feel like we don't have any control over it.
This is because we are programmed to think and feel "X" when "Y" occurs through our past experiences, just like our computer programs and phone apps.
However, when we become conscious of our programming, we can change it if we want to.
And then we will automatically respond in different ways to all circumstances.
The alternative is to have the initial reaction and then try to change that feeling, which can be successful ...... depending on the severity of the reaction and how long it takes you to become aware of it.
During the Soul Pleaser Program, we do both - learn tools to manage our current programmed reactions to circumstances, AND become aware of the programs and introduce new ones so that we can remain calm and centred throughout whatever storm we are faced with.
If you woul like to respond better to life, I am running my next free Calmness Code Challenge starting 14th February 2022.
You can register here and book a good fit call with me.