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Six Things You Need to Let Go Of

February 21, 2022

I had the honour of running a retreat last weekend for over two hundred farmers!

They did yoga and they opened up to understanding their emotions, and how letting go is the most important step in creating a balanced, successful life in all areas.

I followed up with a zoom session with them and thought you might like it too.

The 6 things to let go of are:

1. Blame

2. Problems

3. Attachment

4. Fear

5. Control

6. Resentment

I go into a lot more detail in my book which is coming soon "From People Pleaser to Soul Pleaser: Six Steps to Being Who You Are Meant to Be".

And although we have just completed the latest Calmness Code Challenge, if you would like to join the next one - you can jump on the waiting list by emailing support.