I went to Sydney on the weekend to spend some time with a dear friend of mine and to attend the Abraham Hicks workshop.
This is me chilling with my friend at her house.

I booked this trip because my new intention for doing anything is JOY 🙌🏼.
This is soooo different from how I used to be. Everything I did was working towards an outcome of success in some area of my life. I really had it all backward.
I was living life the hard way, pushing to make things happen. Striving to prove I was good enough.
Now that I know that I am (good enough), no matter what I do ........ I am free to do what I want.
It sounds so simple, but so many people don't live this way. They are so busy doing what they think they should, or what they think other people want them to do, or will approve of.
Abraham didn't say anything I don't already know. But I loved being in the presence of the energy in the room. I was so high, I felt like I might explode.
Especially when Esther repeated several times .....
"If you can feel it, you can have it! If you can feel it, you can have it."
I have experienced this on so many occasions over the past few years that I absolutely love teaching people how to apply this to their lives.
It sounds so simple. But feeling how you would feel if you already had what you wanted can seem out of reach when you haven't had what you want before and don't know how it feels.
What you do know though is that it would feel better than how it feels when you notice you don't have it.
That's all you have to aim for - to feel better.
If you already feel fantastic in this moment - great!
Milk it! 🐄
Wallow in it! 🛀🏼
Be grateful for the feeling and all the thoughts that have caused the feeling, and you will attract more of those thoughts.
If you don't feel good right now, go for relief. Whatever it takes to feel just a little bit better than you do now :)
Often you are holding on too tightly to the thing you want - needing it to happen before you can feel better - that's what is preventing you from receiving it.
Stop thinking about it. 🤔
Stop TRYING to MAKE it happen.
and just
Tracy x
P.S. if you need more help with this, scroll down to services on the home page of my website xx Tracy Secombe | Official