Tracy Secombe
Tracy Secombe
(Author of "From People Pleaser to Soul Pleaser")
What if you could know for sure what you truly want
and do it passionately…
without the guilt and self-doubt?
I have been on and off my Soul's path all my life, doing what I love and feel passionate about and then getting overwhelmed and distracted by taking too much on in an attempt to please others.
I grew up with a selfless, caring mother, and an entrepreneurial father, so I was taught to put everyone else first and work hard. I am grateful for these lessons and they served me well .... until I was constantly anxious and burnt out.
When my Mum passed on in 2016, I remembered what is important in life and vowed to prioritize connection to my Self, family, and service without losing myself in the mix anymore.
My mission is to help you to remember your unique magnificence and realign with your highest potential so that you can live a life that fulfills you in every way.
Learn more about my story here.
How I can Help
The Self Belief Series
Be inspired by other people's Self Belief stories
60-Second Switch
Are your emotions all over the place?
Up and down, depending on what’s going on around you?
Download the 60 second emotion switch and start feeling better now.
Self Alignment 30 Day Meditation Series
Start feeling calmer, happier and more present
How We Can Work Together
Ways I Can Add Value
Soul Pleaser Online Coaching Program
I have helped hundreds of people give up people pleasing and become Soul Pleasers®️ since 2017, through my online coaching program.
Soul Pleasers are joyfully & purposefully themselves, able to love and uplift other people and experience success in all areas of their life - without sacrificing their own well-being.
This is what people are saying about the Soul Pleaser Program.
Enrolment into the program is through application via the "YES! I am ready to live the life I choose!" button on the program outline page.
The 7-Day Calmness Code Challenge
Learn how to stop overthnking, rehashing and over-reacting and become naturally calm in 7 days with my personal support.
Click here to join.
Business Coaching
With 30 years of business experience, I can help you make the small shifts in your business to allow you to increase your profits while decreasing your time working in the business.
For details, please contact me.
Public Speaking
I would love to help your team or members realize their full potential through live workshops delivered at your venue, work-place, or on-line.
For details, please contact me.
- Angela Gibson -
Tracy’s insights, compassion and understanding has led me on a remarkable personal development journey.
Tracy has given me the tools, confidence, leadership and guidance to grow my business and myself.
- Ryan Hindson -
Tracy has taught me, by way of example, to be present and to embrace life and its challenges with passion and enthusiasm, and helped me to grow a business as well as personally. She is a shining example of how to make a positive difference in the world.
- Jacinta Carr -
“Tracy Secombe is an extraordinary woman. authentic, genuine, caring & beautiful inside & out!
She has this incredible gift of helping every single person grow their unique wings which will allow them to fly the journey that they have set their hearts on and I absolutely love being in this life with her.”
If you are looking for change, and would love to work with, and be coached by a motivating, supportive leader, who has huge drive and determination, I would highly recommend Tracy Secombe.”
- Pene Judge -
I feel blessed to have met Tracy who has helped me to take consistent successful actions to grow my business with integrity and laughter; empowering me to want to do more and be more. To me, Tracy is the epitome of leadership – leading by example.
- Katherine Hall -
Tracy's coaching, training and support has significantly increased the level of success I have had both professionally and personally and has helped take me from analysis to action very quickly with measurable results in a very short period of time.
I would highly recommend Tracy to anyone who is looking to achieve more success in business or is feeling 'stuck' with their current results.
Get In Touch
With Tracy Secombe
All Rights Reserved Tracy Secombe - Copyright 2022