Sometimes we think other people want us to be something that we are not.
Nerina thought her Dad wanted a boy.
So she tried to get skinnier so she could get rid of her boobs.
Just one misconstrued thought can cause us to spend years trying to be something other than who we are.
But who we are is exactly who we came here to be, and as long as you resist that and try to be someone else .... you will miss out on a level of peace and joy that you may not be able to imagine right now.
When Nerina reached out to me, she felt stuck.
She had become caught up in the cycle of OVER-saying yes to her clients .... trying to prove herself ....
to who? ....
her Dad?
When we realize that we having nothing to prove, we can relax and be ourselves .. and everything begins to flow without us having to push.
Watch my interview with Nerina below as part of The Self Belief Series and see how becoming un-stuck herself led her to helping others do the same.
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