Nano - like many of us - had to feel like everything was out of her control - before she could reach out for help and learn how to ....
take back control
When Nano and I first chatted ...
- she lacked confidence
- felt anxious almost all of the time
- lacked direction
- was gripped by fear of failure in their family business
- and felt like she was not in control of where she was headed
and in 12 short months ..
Nano gained the confidence to leave her job and build her dream business.
You won't believe she was so unhappy, when you see her in this interview!
her excitement is contagious!
Click on the video below to hear Nano's story about how she has transformed from an anxious people pleaser to a calm, confident and happy Soul Pleaser :)
Tracy x
P.S. If you feel ready to change your life, send me an email to