When you feel a strong negative emotion about a situation, it might feel like you are reacting to what just happened ...
or what someone just said or did.
But often we have a pattern ...
a way of reacting to certain circumstances
or even different circumstance
in the same way
because of the way we THINK "they or it" (the situation) MAKES us feel.
But nothing and no-one outside of you
can control your emotions.
The way you feel is a response to what you think.
And what you think about some things that happen
can have more than one layer.
Consiously, you may be thinking
"He / she / they shouldn't have ......
or always .... "
But underneath that voice, there can be another one......
the voice of the little girl / boy who wasn't allowed to speak up ...
who didn't feel heard
or understood.
What you feel, think, say and do today
is not always about today.
And you can change those patterns.
Andrew Roberts was raw and honest in his interview with me as part of The Self Belief Series and he wasn't afraid to share how he felt when he was a young boy ...
and how learning about the cause of his triggers in life today are linked to beliefs that dont work for him anymore.
And most importantly, how he was able to change them so that he can have difference experiences today.
You can watch our interview below.
If you find yourself triggered into negative emotions more than you would like, it is not too late to join my free Calmness Code Challenge starting on 25th October 2021.
Click HERE to register and book in your 15 minute Good Fit Call with me.
Tracy x