I meet so many people who are working really hard to reach their goals.
They feel proud of themselves for their strong work ethic, and they feel rewarded for it - by their results and the reinforcement they get from others.
I get it. That's the way I used to be too. I wore "getting things done" like a badge of honour.
When this is the way you have always been, it can be hard to believe that there is an easier way. But, I promise you there is.
Making "Being Well" your priority will speed up your results, while you get to slow down.
There is so much I want to say about this topic, that I will share with you the podcast I was recently on with Hutch at Farm Owners Academy instead.
Tracy x
P.S. If you need more help with making "Being Well" your priority, you may be interested in learning more about the Soul Pleaser program here.